
Showing 19-22 of 22.


Lantower Westshore Living Apartments, Tampa, FL
Lantower Westshore Living Case Study

fetch answers package problem by freeing up time and space for 6-level urban mid-rise community in Tampa.

Hendrix Apartments located in the H Street NE Corridor of Washington, D.C.
Hendrix & Oslo’s Community Case Study

fetch delivers unmatched service experiences and improves resident satisfaction at Washington D.C. boutique apartment community.

Alexan Enclave, a 352-unit ZRS community, Houston’s Energy Corridor
door-to-door delivery with no hassle

Fetch Package delivers on the promise of eliminating the package delivery task from site personnel while creating a seamless resident experience.

Alta Strand Apartment Complex, Dallas, Texas
driving revenues and productivity

Fetch Package not only delivers a better package delivery process, but also allows Alta Strand to improve sales productivity, drive additional revenues, maintain industry-standard head-counts, and change design space development.

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