
Innovation as an amenity

Brought to you by Camp Construction Services. From 5G to technology ROI to innovative amenities to key control, find out what’s up in multifamily technology in this month’s ABODE. Find fetch on page 56!

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Fetch’s Strategic Expansion: Fueling Growth with Innovation and Financial Strength

Fetch Announces Strategic Expansion With Strong Financial Outlook Driving Innovation, Operations With new product launches and growing profitability,…

Fetch Solves Package Problems for Student Housing
Multifamily operators with both market rate and student housing communities in their portfolios estimate their student housing properties receive between 30% and 50% more packages. Package management responsibilities consume an inordinate amount of time for onsite teams.
Fetch press updates announces new updates to driver software to improve efficiency
Fetch, the first and only offsite package management solution for apartment communities, today announced a significant update to its driver software platform as the company works toward a fully accessible, transparent business model. Fetch is also investing more into the Preferred Driver Program to recognize and reward its highest performing delivery partners.