How to keep on-site staff motivated amid multifamily labor challenges

on-site team staff working together to manage motivation and deplete turnover in multifamily due to secure package delivery and management system

It’s no secret multifamily sees the highest amount of turnover in maintenance and on-site team roles. But due to The Great Resignation, these roles are starting to lose employees faster and at a much larger capacity than ever before. 

“Under normal circumstances, turnover for on-site teams is usually around 30-50%. This is higher than other industries. But in the current labor market, NAA estimates turnover is now as high as 70%!” said Stephen Barker, President and General Manager of Zego, in his article on Multifamily Insiders.

On-site teams manage the day-to-day at communities, and with certain responsibilities becoming more prevalent and demanding in their workday, it’s leading an increasing number of  team members to quit. 

Marketing responsibilities, leasing, and resident communication are all critical parts of on-site team members’ jobs, but at large multifamily communities, those tasks often go beyond what’s typically on an on-site job description. 

With a surge in e-commerce, communities are seeing resident packages delivered at a degree higher than ever before. According to Statista, 2020 saw a global shipping volume of over 131 billion packages, and in less than six years, that number is projected to more than double and reach 266 billion packages shipped in 2026.

Many communities have some sort of package system for residents to use, however with the growing number of packages consistently coming into communities, lockers and rooms are no match for multifamily package delivery volume. Even with these package systems in place to omit on-site team involvement, on-site teams are still  frequently left to log deliveries, sort through package rooms and lockers to assist residents or deliver resident packages themselves. 

Making resident packages an on-site team duty takes away from important day-to-day  tasks that help communities function efficiently. Luckily, property managers are beginning to turn toward  outsourcing certain tasks like resident events, package management and cleaning to third party services that can better manage this work so on-site teams can accomplish essential duties without stressing about those extras.

One way outsourcing can be accomplished is by using a third party delivery service to keep resident packages off the property and off of on-site teams’ plates. Fetch not only keeps track of all resident packages at a local warehouse off-site, but gives residents the freedom to schedule a delivery directly to their door when they want it. Using direct-to-door delivery, on-site teams no longer have to deal with the liability of resident packages and the community can reclaim its space. Not only that, communities have the opportunity to generate additional NOI, giving property owners and operators the  potential to increase pay for on-site teams and further fight multifamily turnover rates. 

Is your community or on-site team struggling with the influx of resident deliveries coming into the community? Don’t let this be the reason you lose valued team members. Request a personalized quote here.

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